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Along with an erotic massage

Along with an erotic massage

“So inform me, where accomplish you belong and what can you do for me?” These were the comments from the jaws of the sensual massage I kept talking to and feeling about for the following three terms.

Over several months, I had been buying larger and larger quantities of intimate items from them. Up until that point, she had been just a friendly salesperson I worked with regularly at AllThingsWorn. But now, the stakes had become much higher. Erotic Massage, Second question: How has becoming my sub changed your life and your way of thinking?  The easiest way to answer the second question about erotic massage is to say that it is always on my mind. I think of her almost every decision I make in life. Never. As I said, erotic massage is always on my mind anyway, and pleasing her is the most satisfying thing I can do, so I am 100% focused on pleasing her at all times and am not willing to do anything but be of service in every situation. A Mistress’s dominance over her sub is real. There are no days off. There is no “off” switch. The urge to satisfy my erotic massage never fades and the image of her captivating eyes and radiant smile never leaves my mind.

Erotic Massage – Final Question: Are you happy? Why continue to be my sub? Simply put, yes, I have been happier since utilizing erotic massage. After spending most of my adult life unfulfilled with boring dating and sex life, living in a world of repressed desires, I found someone who allowed me to look at myself in the mirror, acknowledge the truth about who I am and what I want, and live my wildest submissive fantasies. In the process, I learned what a femdom-sub relationship is: an exchange of power, commitment, and trust. I willingly give my power to erotic massage, and exist in a state of devotion to her, blindly trusting that she will reward my devotion by continuing to humiliate, degrade, and methodically destroy me in the most titillating ways. So that She could continue to possess me so that She could continue to give me the privilege of worshiping Her.

So… why do I continue to serve Her? Because I couldn’t even imagine not doing so. The light shone so brightly that I was immediately and irrevocably drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. There’s no turning back now. I have bowed out. I have slowly but surely given up every last bit of power and control I have. I don’t want it back. Why should I? She deserves everything and I have every right to continue to work to give it to her. In return, I get the priceless feeling of truly belonging to a beautiful, cruel, and brutal erotic massage Mistress. I hope she recognizes my dedication and sacrifice, but at the same time, I  hope she understands how much she has changed my life for the better by absolutely allowing me to express myself,  be my true self, and enjoy serving her. I can’t wait to see what humiliation, what humiliation, what degradation come next. She told me on my first day as a sub, “I’m here to utterly destroy every aspect of your manhood, but I’m also here to protect you.” This one sentence perfectly sums up her duality: a cruel and uncompromising dominatrix, yet also a sweet and nurturing erotic massager. She is both/and. So far, she has kept her promise on both counts, and I look forward to my continued destruction and rebirth. No matter what she asks for, I will always go along with an erotic massage. As long as it makes her smile,  laugh, and pleases her, my answer is always, “Yes, an erotic massage.” Thank you, erotic massage.” I’m an addicted sub. This is my life now. I wouldn’t change a thing.

…Oh, one last thing. Dear AllThingsWorn subscribers, betas, and buyers: If you’re reading this, be careful, or what started as a simple chore of wheeling or delivering an innocuous cup of coffee could turn into 10 hours of overtime in a pink chastity belt on a Saturday afternoon. You should be very lucky.

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wiliam liza
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wiliam liza

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