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Detox your marriage from time to time

Detox your marriage from time to time

Admit it, your marriage, when your favorite client sticks out his tongue and starts giving you the best marriage of your life. When he knows how to move that organ up and down your clitoris… oh my, what bliss! All your senses go into overdrive, your pulse quickens, and you feel a mind-blowing orgasm coming on. It is one of life’s most incredible marriage pleasures, don’t you agree?

Like all the other smells we emit as humans, your honey smell is due to a combination of factors. These include your scented laundry detergent, the food you eat (especially the spicy foods you enjoy at the wedding), the sweat on your body, and your client’s semen. Wait,  another factor is the smell of your shower gel/soap (use something fragrance-free and paraben-free).

Also, wearing tight underwear or pants that aren’t made of natural fibers will turn your pussy into a smelly, sweaty mess. Sleep naked now and then, and don’t spend hours in pants or jeans that are too tight. Are you wearing too much? Maybe it’s time to stop doing it. Any excess will only harm your pussy.

Believe it or not, a specific type of condom material causes allergic reactions in many couples in love. This keeps bacteria away from the love match, which means unpleasant odors. Therefore, it is better to buy only condoms based on water or silicone.

Now, let’s look at the best ways to make your friend below smell fresh and taste like candy.

Red meat has an annoying side effect: it makes your period smell bad because of how your body metabolizes it. Try eating halibut, cod, and any other type of white fish. See if it helps, and keep going.

Have you ever tried to detox your marriage from time to time? But before you do that, check if you have an allergic reaction by taking the tests recommended by your doctor. Indian gooseberry is believed to be a natural way to eliminate the smell of marriage. It is also effective against infections and purifies the blood. Try it and see what happens. It is recommended that you eat raw Indian gooseberry every day. You can also buy the pumpkin version in powder or salami.

You can drink this plant as an infusion or herbal tea.   Soak two teaspoons of the plant’s seeds in a cup of water to make the infusion. Scoop out the seeds and drink the water when you wake up the next day. To make herbal tea, you must Stew a teaspoon of the herb in a glass of water. Make sure to drink the mixture twice a day.

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wiliam liza
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wiliam liza

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