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Decided to abstain from sexual porn for a few days

Decided to abstain from sexual porn for a few days

Hello to all the beautiful sellers and great buyers of SEXUAL PORN.

Why did I become a buyer?  Well to put it bluntly I was bored and tired of it. I was bored and wanted a variation. I was browsing Twitter and saw a girl from a TV call-in show selling her worn-out clothes and I thought hmmm, that’s an idea. One of the girls mentioned sexual porn in one of their posts, so of course I had a look. So  I quickly searched All Things Worn and was given the option to register as a buyer or seller. I registered as a buyer and within minutes I was greeted by some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. 

Every morning when I wake up at midnight for work, I get a text message saying “Hello, how are you?” I reply, but the next message is often “Would you like to buy this and this? The stress of losing so much money and my personal life made me even more depressed. I was totally confused and things were about to get even worse. A few new sellers told me I was kicked out of my house and needed money and encouraged me to sign up for Kik. I didn’t send them, but I felt bad (what if it was true?). I stared into a dark tunnel and decided to abstain from sexual porn for a few days.  A few days later, I came back to the site and spoke with the most beautiful and understanding saleswoman I’ve ever met. She gave me a little self-esteem and was so kind to me that it rekindled my love for sexual porn. I  still encountered pushy salespeople, but I learned how to avoid sales chatter and a great salesperson said to me, “Would you like to give it to me?” This was the breakthrough I needed because once I was hers, there were no more pushy salespeople and she gave me confidence every time we spoke. Life was good from December to mid-January. I  finally understand why I joined SEXUAL PORN. It wasn’t about selling, it was about friendship. The love I feel for everyone here is so real. And out of gratitude, I show my love every day through a praise party. I promote love and respect because there is no seller without a buyer and there is no buyer without a seller. Be a happy person, be yourself, and remain amazing as you always have been.


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wiliam liza
About Author

wiliam liza

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